After listening to an article on the dying art of lace-making in the south of India, I was drawn to the outdoors to gaze gratefully at the ways in which nature persists in this ancient art.
The maiden hair fern (Adiantum pedatum) is a plant that many will know, as it is grown both as a houseplant and a garden perennial. Its delicate plumes occupy the secret shade of the garden with access to constant moisture. It layers its leaves like crisp lace handkerchiefs tucked away in a grandmother’s trousseau.
The honeysuckle (Lonicera nitida Baggesens gold) prefers to be where the sun beats down all day. Here its golden tracery cascades over a hot bank keeping company with swollen poppy buds as they wait for the sun’s signal.
And close by in part sun the jasmine (Jasminum officinale) has sprouted new green tendrils. They will offer their own delicate beauty, long after the masses of scented white lace which arrive in early summer have bloomed and gone.
I like to use these wisps of jasmine, the ruffles of peonies and poppies and the stunning loops of clematis to create the romance of lace in my floral designs. Many of these garden treasures like the hardy jasmine are not available commercially but have great cultural significance to us.
Let me know which ones have personal meaning for you and I will be honoured to design your Indie wedding bouquet using these flowers and foliages with your sentiments at the heart of it.
In nature, there will always be lace.